Our dealership motto:
100% of the customers will receive
100% of what we have to offer
100% of the time
Fact: When all of your variable staff embraces and lives out this strategy every day, well, there is just “no stopping that freight train”. In fact, it’s a force so strong that when any customer continues to call, email or visit other dealerships, the “theory of contrast” is very much in play.
In other words, we need to do everything in our power to make it super difficult for any other salesperson or environment to match our passion, professionalism or commitment to serve.
We simply need to make sure that all on the team, including managers, never lose the spirit nor their enthusiasm due to what things look like on the surface. You may have a level of comfort with all on the team giving every guest their best, but I do recommend you assess whether it is done 100% of the time by 100% of the staff.
You, as a dealer or manager can drive this concept into your culture like a wedge. By doing so, you will close more first time guests, create future return traffic like you have never experienced before (with excellent follow-up), and will (of course) create more front and back gross in the process. Period. End of story (well, actually I’m not quite through!).
I am certainly empathetic to the challenges and frustrations that salespeople and managers routinely encounter. They are constantly trying to work through credit-challenged customers, negative equity scenarios, unrealistic and sometimes rude customers, and of course all else that they face every day. Yet if I am not mistaken, that is everyday life in the car business, and part of why it can pay so well!
Consumers who do not purchase initially will one day decide who deserves their business. Odds are, they will be compelled to re-contact, and therfore, be more receptive to dealership follow-up.
Another reality is salespeople are more prone to stay pro-active in their follow-up efforts when they know they have performed well and made a fantastic impression on the showroom guest.
Face it…the dealership that allows salespeople and managers the opportunity to provide for their families deserves nothing less than the employees very best efforts every time, no exceptions. When a customer gives them the chance to structure a deal, or simply needs preliminary information while in their research phase, salespeople should focus on providing thorough, courteous and professional treatment…100% of the time. When this is the case, this is the store that takes most customers further down the road to the sale than the average or less-committed employee takes that same customer.
This means: No longer can a salesperson go to the desk trying to sell the manager on the reasons to cut the visit short. Nor can we have managers expressing with body language and/or with word, that the salesperson has been foolish in spending so much time with a non-(today) buyer. We are investing time and effort, not sacrificing it.
Here are a few areas, just to name a few, to be conscious of when serving customers and not rationalizing giving less than 100%.
Remember, the less apt they are to close now, the more motivation we should have to give it our absolute all! Every customer deserves:
• Effective counseling and interviewing prior to selection, minimally prior to desking the deal
• Impressive Feature/Benefit Walk-around presentations…like no one else can or will
• Effective test drives (20-30 minutes and making it “work” for the cause)
• Consistent trade walks (with the customer present) prior to discussing figures (potentially earning some flexibility on what the customer will be willing to accept for their trade)
• Service “Value” Walk prior to discussing figures (sell the value of the dealership, it matters). Do this even if figures are not being discussed during a particular visit
• A proper and timely T.O. with every customer
• Quality and timely follow-up, not just for the warmest of opportunities
Someone (the dealer) has paid money for every guest that calls, emails and enters our environment. If you didn’t pay it, you shouldn’t get to take shortcuts. The 70-80% of customers who leave without buying (this time) should leave thinking “Wow, when I get closer to actually buying, I want to go back there!”
In our business, we don’t sell a high percentage of those who initially call or come in, but always remember that the dealership’s image is always on the line and we need to be constantly earning the return visits, as well as all of the profit that is possible on the sales that we do make.
At the end of each day, every salesperson and manager should take pride in their contribution of 100/100/100%. This is a huge determining factor in their long term success, as well as that of their employer.
Below is a good flyer to post in the conference room:

Thank you and remember… I invite your call should you desire a chat.
Richard Keeney
The Mar-Kee Group
251-680-6633 (cell)
The Mar-Kee Group is proud to celebrate 20 years of outstanding Sales, Service, and Management Training.
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