As a desk manager, you, more than most, understand the value of information.

You function better, and, of course, can desk much more effectively when you know more about the buyer. 

When you are more aware of the customer’s motivations, whether there is competition for the deal, and, of course, the solutions that the consumer is seeking, you can then go about the task of engineering a more successful outcome.

Oh, the pain we endure when we try to sell without a clue!

Some on the sales floor will never get comfortable and consistent with the customer interviewing step without some assistance. Many times, we are but one strategy, one sales tool and one transition statement away from turning this challenge into a skill. 

This is a big plus for the customer as well because they will be receiving better service from the dealership. 

The answer may be the “Customer Assistance Sheet”.

Decide on the 8-10 most important questions you need them to ask every guest, and put it on a professional and non-intimidating document. At The Mar-Kee Group, we refer to it as the Customer Assistance Sheet and our office is happy to provide a sample or even customize one specifically for you.

I know this strategy isn’t brand new, yet I wanted to remind you that there are some on the sales floor that will flourish if you give them the tools. It is also strongly recommended that you work with those who will be using it so that it goes well from the very beginning. Remember…It’s a conversation, not an interrogation! A poor start may cause the salespersons to drop the process like a hot rock and revert back to their comfort level regardless of the cost. That is, if this is an option. 

Our recommendation is that it becomes a step of the sales process that is trained and re-enforced at the desk! 

Final note…lead by example. Let the sales team see you using it as well.

To get more sales training tips, give me a call, 888-300-4629.

Richard Keeney

The Mar-Kee Group


251-680-6633 (cell)

The Mar-Kee Group is proud to celebrate 20 years of outstanding Sales, Service, and Management Training.