Mar 4, 2016 | Automotive, Communication, Emails, Follow Up, Goal Setting, Phones, Prospecting, Sales, Sales Training, Texting, Trade-Ins
” How to handle trade-in appraisal requests via phone or email Sales teams are finding themselves at a considerable disadvantage when being asked to provide trade-in offers on the phone and through email. We all know it is best to have the customer in front of...
Sep 16, 2015 | Automotive, Boat, Building Rapport, Communication, Follow Up, Phones, RV, Sales Training
Though so much of the communication these days seems to be in the form of email and texting, we must not forget to pick up the phone. I catch myself sometimes starting an email when a phone call would be far more personal and helpful. Wow, a good old fashioned phone...
Jul 31, 2015 | Automotive, Follow Up
Salespeople need a solid customer follow-up plan to make sure they stay on their customer’s radar. Many dealerships have excellent follow-up strategies. However, all too often, during training we find salespeople that lack direction. As a...
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