Aug 12, 2016 | Building Rapport, Communication, Customer Retention, Customer Service, Sales, Sales Strategies, Women Buyers
According to studies, women purchase or lease slightly over one half of all the cars delivered, and play a major role in over 85% of deliveries. In fact, believe it or not, in the average household more women buyers are making the decision without the man than men can...
Jan 28, 2016 | Automotive, Boat, Building Rapport, Communication, Customer Retention, Customer Service, RV, Sales Training, Women Buyers
Women buy over 50% of the vehicles sold in the U.S. and heavily influence upwards of 85% of all automotive purchases. If these statistics surprise you – they shouldn’t. Women make up over 50% of the adult population and their influences are felt in...
Jan 15, 2016 | Automotive, Boat, Building Rapport, Customer Service, Phones, RV, Sales Strategies, Sales Training
Many times, salespeople contact potential customers through email and then wait to get a response, if they ever get one at all. Though email is a convenient and important tool for businesses, the best way to develop and maintain customer relations is through brief,...
Sep 16, 2015 | Automotive, Boat, Building Rapport, Communication, Follow Up, Phones, RV, Sales Training
Though so much of the communication these days seems to be in the form of email and texting, we must not forget to pick up the phone. I catch myself sometimes starting an email when a phone call would be far more personal and helpful. Wow, a good old fashioned phone...
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